Common Time Complexities

Published on Friday, August 11, 2023 - Updated 14 hours ago

Imagine you’re planning a party. You’ve got a guest list, decorations, and a menu. Now, imagine adding more and more guests. How much longer would it take you to prepare?

This is essentially what Big-O notation is all about. It’s a way to measure how an algorithm’s performance scales as the input size grows. In simpler terms, it helps us understand how quickly an algorithm will slow down as the data it processes gets larger.

Why is Big-O important? Think of it like choosing the right car for a road trip. If you’re going a short distance, a fuel-efficient car might be fine. But for a long journey, you’d want something more powerful. Similarly, for small datasets, an algorithm with a higher Big-O might be acceptable. But as the data grows, a lower Big-O becomes crucial to prevent performance bottlenecks.

The most common time complexities, which will be covered here, are O(1)O(1), O(logn)O(\log n), O(n)O(n), O(nlogn)O(n \log n) and O(n2)O(n^2). We will follow this order as well.

Let’s break down the most common Big-O notations.

Constant Time


The idea of a process taking a fixed amount of time, regardless of scale, is an ancient one. Even before the advent of computers, tasks like adding two numbers or checking if a container is empty were understood to be relatively instantaneous. However, the formalization of this concept into “constant time” complexity, denoted as O(1)O(1), is a crucial element of modern algorithm analysis. This formalization allows computer scientists to rigorously compare the efficiency of different algorithms and predict their performance on varying input sizes. It’s a cornerstone of understanding how algorithms scale.

The development of time complexity analysis owes much to the work of computer scientists like Donald Knuth, who, in his seminal work “The Art of Computer Programming,” laid the groundwork for understanding and quantifying algorithm efficiency. Constant time operations are fundamental building blocks in computer science. They are essential for creating efficient data structures like hash tables and are absolutely critical in real-time systems where strict deadlines must be met. Think of a car’s airbag sensor – it needs to react in constant time to a crash, regardless of other system processes.

Definition: Algorithms that have a fixed execution time, regardless of the input size. The number of operations performed remains the same, no matter how large or small the input is. The execution time is independent of the input.


  • Accessing an element in an array by its index (e.g., array[5]).
  • Performing a basic arithmetic operation (+, -, *, /, %).
  • Assigning a value to a variable.
  • Returning a pre-calculated value.
  • Comparing two values.
  • Dereferencing a pointer.

Real-world analogy: Flipping a light switch. The action of flipping the switch takes the same amount of time whether you’ve flipped it once or a million times. The number of times you’ve flipped it doesn’t affect the time it takes for the single, current flip. Another analogy is retrieving a specific item from a pre-organized box. The time it takes to grab the item is constant, regardless of how many other items are in the box.

Fun Fact: While we talk about constant time as being instantaneous, even these operations take a tiny, measurable amount of time. The CPU clock speed determines how quickly these basic operations are performed. Modern processors can perform billions of these constant-time operations per second!

Logarithmic Time

O(logn)O(\log n)

Logarithmic time complexity represents a significant leap in efficiency compared to linear or quadratic time. The power of logarithmic algorithms stems from their ability to dramatically reduce the search space with each step. While the underlying mathematical concept of logarithms is ancient, its application to algorithm analysis and the development of efficient search methods like binary search emerged more formally in the mid-20th century, coinciding with the rise of computer science. These algorithms are indispensable for handling large datasets, enabling rapid searching, sorting, and other essential operations.

The importance of logarithmic time algorithms has only grown with the explosion of data in the digital age. As datasets continue to increase in size, the difference between a linear-time and a logarithmic-time algorithm becomes monumental. Logarithmic time allows us to efficiently handle massive amounts of information, making tasks like database lookups and searching the internet feasible.

Definition: Algorithms whose execution time grows logarithmically with the input size. This means the execution time increases much more slowly than the input size. Doubling the input size only increases the execution time by a small, constant amount. The algorithm typically reduces the problem size by a constant factor at each step (e.g., halving it in binary search).


  • Binary search: Binary search repeatedly halves the search space, so the number of comparisons (and thus the execution time) grows logarithmically with the size of the sorted array.
  • Finding an element in a balanced binary search tree: Traversing a balanced binary search tree to find a specific node takes logarithmic time.
  • Calculating powers using exponentiation by squaring: This method performs a logarithmic number of multiplications.

Real-world analogy: Imagine finding a specific page in a book using a binary search approach. You open the book roughly in the middle, see if the page number is before or after that point, and then repeat the process, halving the remaining section each time. The number of times you have to repeat this process (and thus the time it takes) grows logarithmically with the number of pages in the book. Another analogy is playing a “guess the number” game where the number is between 1 and 100. By guessing the midpoint each time, you can narrow down the possibilities very quickly, and the number of guesses grows logarithmically with the range of possible numbers.

Fun Fact: Logarithms are the inverse of exponentiation. Because of this relationship, logarithmic time algorithms are often associated with operations that repeatedly divide the problem size, while exponential time algorithms are associated with operations that repeatedly multiply the problem size.

Linear Time


Linear time complexity is one of the most common and intuitive forms of algorithm scaling. The idea that the time it takes to complete a task is directly proportional to the amount of work involved is a natural one, and it’s reflected in many everyday experiences. In computer science, linear time algorithms are fundamental building blocks. They are often used for basic operations like searching and processing lists of data. While more efficient algorithms exist for certain tasks, linear time algorithms are often preferred for their simplicity and ease of implementation, especially when dealing with moderately sized datasets.

The importance of linear time algorithms has persisted throughout the history of computing. Even as data sets have grown exponentially, linear time algorithms remain essential for a wide range of applications. They strike a good balance between efficiency and simplicity, making them a practical choice for many real-world problems.

Definition: Algorithms whose execution time grows linearly with the input size. If the input doubles in size, the execution time roughly doubles as well. Each element of the input is typically processed a constant number of times.


  • Iterating through an array (e.g., using a for loop).
  • Finding the maximum element in an unsorted array.
  • Linear search in an unsorted array.
  • Calculating the sum of all elements in an array.
  • Copying an array.

Real-world analogy: Imagine reading a book. The time it takes you to read the book is directly proportional to the number of pages in the book. If the book is twice as long, it will take you roughly twice as long to read it. Another analogy is walking down a street. The time it takes to walk down the street is proportional to the length of the street.

Historical/Contextual Note: While the concept of linear scaling is intuitive, its formal representation as O(n) is a key element of algorithm analysis. It allows us to categorize and compare the efficiency of algorithms in a standardized way. Many early algorithms were linear in nature, and linear time complexity continues to be relevant in various computational tasks.

Linearithmic Time

O(nlogn)O(n \log n)

Log-linear time complexity, often represented as O(nlogn)O(n \log n), represents a sweet spot in algorithm efficiency. It’s faster than quadratic time but still relatively straightforward to implement. Algorithms with this complexity often employ a “divide and conquer” strategy, breaking down a problem into smaller, more manageable subproblems, solving them recursively, and then combining the results. This approach is particularly effective for tasks like sorting, searching, and certain types of data processing. The development of many fundamental algorithms exhibiting this time complexity, such as merge sort (attributed to John von Neumann), occurred in the mid-20th century, marking a significant advancement in algorithm design.

The importance of log-linear time algorithms has grown alongside the increasing scale of data in modern computing. They provide an efficient way to handle large datasets, enabling tasks like sorting massive files, performing complex database queries, and implementing many other essential operations. They represent a balance between efficiency and implementation complexity, making them a popular choice in a wide range of applications.

Definition: Algorithms whose execution time grows log-linearly (or linearithmically) with the input size. This means the execution time is proportional to n log n, where n is the input size. It grows faster than linear time but slower than quadratic time. These algorithms often involve a combination of linear processing and logarithmic reduction of the problem space.


  • Merge sort: Merge sort’s time complexity is O(nlogn)O(n \log n) due to the recursive merging process.
  • Heapsort: Heapsort is another sorting algorithm with an average time complexity of O(nlogn)O(n \log n).
  • Building a binary search tree from a sorted array: This can be done in O(nlogn)O(n \log n) time.

Real-world analogy: Imagine sorting a large deck of cards using a merge sort-like approach. You repeatedly divide the deck in half, sort each half, and then merge the sorted halves. The dividing and merging steps contribute a logarithmic factor, while the process of looking at each card contributes a linear factor. The combination of these factors leads to a log-linear time complexity. Another analogy is preparing a large dictionary. You have to look up each word (linear), but organizing them alphabetically takes extra effort that scales in a log-linear fashion. A third analogy is preparing a large conference. Registering each attendee is a linear task. However, then organizing them into workshops, allocating rooms, and creating personalized schedules requires extra work that scales in a log-linear way as the number of attendees grows.

Historical/Contextual Note: The development of efficient sorting algorithms, many of which have O(nlogn)O(n \log n) complexity, was a major area of research in early computer science. These algorithms were critical for enabling efficient data management and processing as data sets began to grow. The “divide and conquer” paradigm, which is often used in log-linear time algorithms, has become a fundamental technique in algorithm design.

Quadratic Time


Quadratic time complexity, represented as O(n2)O(n^2), is a step up in terms of computational cost compared to linear or log-linear time. Algorithms with quadratic time complexity often involve nested loops or other operations that require processing every pair of elements in the input. While not ideal for very large datasets, quadratic time algorithms are relatively simple to understand and implement, and they can be suitable for smaller datasets or situations where code clarity is prioritized over extreme performance. Early sorting algorithms like bubble sort and insertion sort, which have quadratic time complexity, were among the first algorithms developed for computers, highlighting the historical significance of this complexity class.

While more efficient algorithms are often preferred for large-scale applications, the increasing power of modern computers has somewhat mitigated the practical limitations of quadratic time. For moderately sized datasets, the performance difference between a quadratic-time algorithm and a more efficient one might be negligible in practice. Furthermore, the simplicity of quadratic time algorithms can make them a good choice when rapid prototyping or ease of maintenance is a primary concern.

Definition: Algorithms whose execution time grows quadratically with the input size. If the input doubles in size, the execution time roughly quadruples. The number of operations performed is roughly proportional to the square of the input size.


  • Nested loops: Algorithms with nested loops that iterate over the input data often have quadratic time complexity. For example, comparing every element in an array to every other element requires nested loops and takes quadratic time.
  • Bubble sort (naive implementation): The naive implementation of bubble sort has a time complexity of O(n2)O(n^2).
  • Finding all pairs of elements in an array: This requires checking every possible pair, resulting in quadratic time.

Real-world analogy: Imagine checking every possible handshake between every person at a party. If there are n people, there are approximately nnn*n handshakes to check (though slightly less, as people don’t shake hands with themselves, and the order doesn’t matter). The number of handshakes (and thus the time it takes to check them all) grows quadratically with the number of people. Another analogy is comparing every image in a collection to every other image to find duplicates. The number of comparisons grows quadratically with the number of images.

Historical/Contextual Note: Early sorting algorithms, such as bubble sort and insertion sort, often had quadratic time complexity. While these algorithms are not the most efficient, they were relatively easy to understand and implement, making them valuable tools in the early days of computing. The analysis of their quadratic time complexity helped to motivate the development of more efficient sorting algorithms.


Big-O is a fundamental concept in computer science that provides a valuable tool for analyzing and optimizing algorithms. By understanding Big-O, you can make informed decisions about algorithm selection, predict scalability, and write more efficient and maintainable code. So, the next time you’re faced with a performance challenge, remember Big-O and choose the right algorithm for the job!

Key takeaways:

  • Big-O notation is a powerful tool for analyzing algorithm efficiency.
  • Understanding Big-O notation is essential for writing efficient and scalable code.
  • There are many different Big-O notations, each with its own characteristics.
  • Choosing the right algorithm for a given task depends on the specific requirements and constraints.

For an exploration of uncommon Big-O notations, refer to our extended guide here.